Club closed for Fourth of July
Club closed for the Fourth of July
Club closed for the Fourth of July
Club closed after lunch due to an exclusive event
Join us for another exciting edition of Live Jazz on the Cliff!
Lunch will be available after the meeting. Please reserve at or by phone at 312-922-8080 if you will be joining us for lunch at the club
Club closed after lunch on Friday and reopens for lunch on Tuesday
Club closed after lunch due to an exclusive event
Club closed after lunch due to an exclusive event
Artist-in-Residence Allie Chantel will thrill us with her vocal performance that gives nod to her favorite music genre--R&B!
Club closed after lunch due to an exclusive event
Join us for an exciting lecture on architecture and archeology.
The story starts with a team of archaeologists from the British Museum returning to a site in Iraq eighty years after its initial excavation by the French.
Club closed after lunch due to an exclusive event
Club closed after lunch due to an exclusive event