Open Mic Night!
All Musical Genres Welcome! Free to Members!
All Musical Genres Welcome! Free to Members!
Travel Back in Time and Explore the Art Deco Era!
Hear Member Tom Bachtell's Quintet Perform Schumann!
Ulysses Readings and Live Musical Accompaniment
Thaddeus Tukes and Emma Dayhuff delighted the Jazz Night crowd
A hip young Israeli band performed with Israeli dancers!
The Cliff Dwellers celebrated the life Norman Malone, a gifted left-handed pianist and a new Honorary Member of the Cliff Dwellers!
Jazz Night Visits the 70s!
Annual Cliff Dwellers Meeting with AIR musicians!
A string concert benefiting the effort to bring music into hospitals!
The Petra van Nuis/ Andy Brown Quartet
The Cliff Dwellers were treated to a charming start to the holiday season!