Bloomsday 2023 at The Cliff Dwellers

Join us on Friday evening, June 16th, as the Cliff Dwellers once again celebrate Bloomsday, honoring Irish author James Joyce and his novel Ulysses.

The Continuing Saga of Nazi Art Theft

Dr. Ed Gordon will provide a lively account of how the Nazi government engineered the greatest art theft in history before and during World War II.

The Ghost Army of World War II

Club members hear from documentarian and author Rick Beyer about the brave combat con-men of World War II, the soldiers of The Ghost Army

Prize Homes: Chicago’s Forgotten Architectural Competition

Siobhan Moroney, Associate Professor of Politics and Chair of American Studies at Lake Forest College, presented a talk on her book, Chicagoland Dream Houses: How a Mid-Century Architecture Competition Reimagined the American Home.

Grant Park at a Crossroads

The Cliff Dwellers heard about the sometimes conflicting identities of Grant Park, and offered input directly to those advocating on Grant Park's behalf!

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