The Cliff Dwellers Club, with its cozy membership of less than 300, fosters a unique environment where friendships flourish. Unlike larger organizations, where faces can blur and connections feel impersonal, the Cliff Dwellers provide a breeding ground for genuine connections. Here’s how this intimacy fosters friendships:

Frequent Encounters: Because the club is smaller, you’re more likely to bump into familiar faces on a regular basis. This constant interaction allows friendships to blossom organically through casual conversations and shared experiences at club events.

Shared Experiences: The Cliff Dwellers’ reputation for friendliness is reliant on our members’ common appreciation for the arts, and translates to events and activities that encourage interaction. Participating in these activities together creates shared memories and strengthens the bonds of friendship.

The Cliff Dwellers Club, by embracing its intimate size, cultivates an environment where friendships are not just a possibility, but a natural consequence of being a member.

People Railing
The Members Table           photo by Lawrence Okrent

The Member’s Table

One of the best perks to being a member of the Cliff Dweller social club is the ability to dine at the Member’s Table at any time the club is open for dining, with no reservations necessary. Get to know your fellow members over a convivial meal, and have an interesting conversation! Recent attendees to the Table have included prominent architects, an award-winning photographer, an animator, a poet, a particle physicist, a distinguished attorney, and a graphic arttist.

No matter who attends, you can always depend upon intriguing conversation topics, which have ranged from maritime history, boutique museums, Art Deco influences in Mumbai, Supreme Court decisions, Wisconsin supper clubs, the outlook for printed media, and the history of the Chicago Harbor Lighthouse.