Music Lifts the Soul: A celebration of Augusta Read Thomas & Bernard Rands

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The respective work of major music artists Augusta Read Thomas and Bernard Rands is legendary. We are delighted to celebrate, in one grand event, each of these highly distinguished composers as Honorary members of the Club.

A composer featured on a Grammy winning CD by Chanticleer, a Pulitzer Prize finalist, and University of Chicago University Professor of Composition, Augusta Read Thomas’ impressive body of works “embodies unbridled passion and fierce poetry” (American Academy of Arts and Letters)

Through more than a hundred published works and many recordings, Bernard Rands is established as a major figure in contemporary music. Among other things, his works have won the Pulitzer Prize in Music (1984) and the 1986 Kennedy Center Friedheim Award (1986.)

At this event, music will fill the room. A performance by John Corkill (percussion) will bring to life ENCHANTED INVOCATION by Augusta Read Thomas. And, just as enthralling, Phil Pierick (saxophone) will perform Memo 6 by Bernard Rands.

But, there’s more. Bernard Rands will charm us with a talk on “Contemporary Virtuosity.” And Augusta Read Thomas will passionately speak on “Gestalt Webs.”

We will enjoy a fine dinner and wine will be poured for a special “Zivio” greeting and toast. There will be a few surprises too!


Members and guests are welcome.
5pm – Cash bar opens

6pm – Dinner ($60 pp)

Reservations are required: or call 312-922-8080

Reservations are requested by October 17. 

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