Traveler in the Mist: A celebration of the Poet, Elise Paschen

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Join us in celebrating our Honorary Member, Poet Elise Paschen

Elise Paschen (C Honorary Member ’20), an enrolled member of the Osage Nation, is an important Chicago writer and the author of six poetry collections. Her poems have been published widely to great acclaim. Besides editing or co-editing numerous anthologies such as The Eloquent Poem and the New York Times best-seller Poetry Speaks to Children, she is co-founder of Poetry in Motion, a nationwide program that places poetry posters in subway cars and buses. Dr. Paschen teaches in the MFA Writing Program at the School of Art Institute of Chicago.

We’ll celebrate Elise Paschen’s impactful creative voice and her distinguished career with an enchanting program, which will include music by Bill Buchholtz, stories by Dr. Lisa Yun Lee, and poetry readings by Rachel DeWoskin and Thea Goodman. The Chicago Literary Hall of Fame (Don Evans) is partnering with us to ensure a truly dynamic event.

Paschen’s newly published poetry collection, Blood Wolf Moon, will be available for purchase.

Cocktails: 5:00 p.m.

Dinner: 6:00 p.m.

Program: 7:00 p.m.

Reservations must be made by Friday, April 4 or 3121-922-8080

Dinner & Program: $60 (members) / $65 non-members

“Program Only” limite seating: $20

Cash bar open throughout the evening

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